During the month of May, we celebrate Our Blessed Mother Mary, our students’ First Holy Communion and our Annual Fiesta, just to name a few events. Get your pens and calendars ready for some important dates. Ready, set, go!
April 12, 2016 by Mariela Morales | Posted In:Event Recaps
We have returned feeling re-energized and ready to finish this school year! Let us focus on encouraging our students to achieve academic success in this last Trimester, on meeting our Palace Popcorn Fundraising Goal and on planning another great May Fiesta.
February 10, 2016 by Mariela Morales | Posted In:Event Recaps
It was truly a joy to see so many families at our School Family Mass, Open House and on “OLG Family Appreciation Day.” We thank you for all the wonderful support! CSW Gallery